BUDGET: $6,000,000
GROSS: $3,175,469 (worldwide)
The Wackness: The year is 1994 and our hero, Luke Shapiro, has just graduated from high school. He isn't one of the cool kids (he might be the most popular of the unpopular kids or the least popular of the popular ones), but they all know him because he’s their pot dealer. He also deals to this psychiatrist who happens to be the step dad of this chick he has a huge crush on...
This is a summer coming-of-age story and I have to admit I am a total sucker for coming-of-age movies. And this one did not disappoint.
You might be thinking, why 1994? Sure, it gives the film a nice soundtrack - with the likes of De La Soul, A Tribe Called Quest and, the then new, Biggie Smalls. And it allows for characters to carry beepers and talk about Beverly Hills 90210. However, more importantly, there was a transition taking place in New York City at the time.
This was the first year of Giuliani's reign and the beginning of the crack down on the 'bad and dirty' New York, - the homeless problem and the now famous ‘broken window’ theory of policing. All this plays a central role in the film as the characters relate to each other. It’s even referenced quite a bit directly in the dialogue.
With all that as the backdrop, the film is actually a coming of age story for two characters: The young Shapiro and the old Psychiatrist Dr. Squires - played by the great Ben Kingsley. They become good friends and their relationship is really the centrepiece of the film.
Although it takes place over the course of two months back in the summer of 1994 in NYC, anyone who has ever been young, confused and in love will be able to relate to, at least parts, of it. Those older and confused will be able to relate as well.