Interview (2007)
WRITER: STEVE BUSCEMI & THEODOR HOLMAN (screenplay)/DAVID SCHECHTER (written by) THEO VAN GOGH (based on the film by)/HANS TEEUWEN (idea)
GROSS: $1,469,644 (worldwide)
Sienna Miller is the Lindsey Lohan/Paris Hilton-type celebrity actress (Katya) and Steve Buscemi is the political reporter assigned - unhappily - to interview her. That is all you need to know going into Interview. The rest is for you to discover. And what you’ll discover is a really good film with two great performances - especially the one delivered by Sienna Miller.
The film is directed by Buscemi and, like his film Lonesome Jim, Interview is another great character piece. Pretty much the entire film takes place in Katya's apartment, so we sure do get to know these two - based on what they reveal and what they don't.
The direction is great and so is the script which takes us through the evening these two people spend together and playing with our expectations. There were more then a few times when the story seemed to be going one way and then would veer off and take a less predictable path - and it wasn't always with a big surprise or anything like that, but even some of the little moments. Buscemi keeps us entertained and interested through the entire film, letting the story play itself out and showing us these characters as more then just stereotypes.
The film is a remake of a dutch film by the same name and in that one the role of Katja is played by actress Katja Schuurman (from what I have read, an actress that had much the same public perception as her character). I haven't seen the original version, but Buscemi’s version is one you should see - as you probably completely missed it back in 2007.